Associations Have Tools to Push Mortgage Foreclosures to Completion
Monthly Column
            April 5, 2021 marks the beginning of open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility for all adults in Florida, and, based upon the state’s progress battling the pandemic, courts are beginning to resume jury trials and in-person hearings after having suspended both for most of the past year.  While Florida’s foreclo...
Pending Legislation Which Would Limit Association Liability For Covid-Related Claims
Monthly Column
            As many of you may know, the 2021 Florida legislative session recently began, and already several bills have been filed that relate to community associations. None, however, may be more important than House Bill 7, and its corresponding Senate Bill 72, which would act to protect associations from liability ...
Deficiency Judgements After a Foreclosure Sale
Monthly Column
            As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Florida-through Governor Ron DeSantis ­imposed a statewide foreclosure moratorium last year. On the federal level, last month the Acting United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") Secretary announced an extension of foreclosure mo...
Avoiding the Effects of the Latest HUD Foreclosure / Eviction Moratorium
Monthly Column
            As many of you likely already know, the federal government, though the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") and the CARES Act issued moratoriums of mortgage foreclosures and evictions for non-payment of rent. On December 17, 2020, HUD issued its Mortgagee Letter 2020-43, which e...
Associations May Consider Playing a Role in Vaccine Distribution
Monthly Column
        It’s been about a year since the world first learned of COVID-19. Since then, there have been more than 17 million cases and more than 300,000 deaths from the disease in the United States alone. To put it mildly, the pandemic’s effects have been far-reaching. Approximately 12.6 million people have become unemployed, hosp...
Would Assessment Amendments Benefit Your Association?
Monthly Column
Located within most associations’ governing documents are provisions that benefit mortgage holders including, typically, provisions that make association liens inferior to first mortgage liens. Often these provisions state that foreclosure sale purchasers are not responsible for paying assessments that came due before such purchasers obtain title. ...
Florida Homeowners Association Suspension Laws 2015
Monthly Column
As discussed in last month's column Florida homeowners association suspension and fine laws have changed in 2015. The House Bill 791 (“HB 791") was signed by the Governor of Florida and will become effective July 1, 2015. HB 791 presents several changes to both the Condominium and Homeowners Association Acts, including changes relating to the levyi...
2015 Electronic Voting Association Changes
Monthly Column
As many of you know, the 2015 legislative regular session has concluded. Several laws affecting condominiums, cooperatives and homeowners associations were passed this year, the most relevant and important to associations being HB 791. Over the course of the next several months, we will be discussing some of the relevant changes to association law ...
Benefits of Additional Insured Certificates Condo Associations
Monthly Column
Whether at a condominium or homeowners’ association, managing contractors and vendors is an essential element of operating the community, whether those companies are working directly for the association, or doing work inside a lot or unit. You may have had your attorney advise you to not only get a certificate of insurance from the company, but to ...
Lou Caplan Foreclosures
Monthly Column
55 & Over Communities Requirements
Monthly Column
Florida is home to hundreds, if not thousands, of 55 year old and over communities. A “55 and over” community is defined as housing that is intended and operated for occupancy by persons 55 years of age or older. As such, if a community meets specific requirements, as mandated under federal and state laws, it may restrict occupancy based upon age. ...
Membership Meetings & Official Records Legal Updates
Monthly Column
As many of you are aware, there were a number of changes in the law adopted by the Florida Legislature in the 2014 session, some of which we have addressed in previous monthly columns. This column will address some of the more important changes in the law that relate to official records as well as those changes relating to both board and membership...
Case to Allow Restrictive Endorsements on Payments
Monthly Column
A new case out of Florida’s Second District Court of Appeal could have very significant consequences for Florida’s condominiums and homeowner’s associations, and the way they process payments from owners. The case deals with restrictive endorsements—messages on a check, or sent with a check, that purport to create a settlement of all debt owed to t...
New Legislation Association Emergency Powers
Monthly Column
As we are now in the midst of hurricane season, it is important to consider how an association may conduct business in the event that a state of emergency is declared. Several years ago, the Condominium Act was amended to give condominium boards certain emergency powers that could be used in the event that the Governor declared a state of emergency...
Community Association Managers Legal Update
Monthly Column
The 2014 Florida legislative session concluded last month with a number of new laws affecting community associations, including community association managers. One of the most highly discussed changes relates to Chapter 468, Fla. Stat., governing the types of activities that a community association manager or community association management firm m...


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