Partners Peter Sachs and Lou Caplan in Featured Article of Daily Business Review

The Legacy of Surfside: 1 Year After Champlain Towers South Collapsed, Attorneys Reflect on Progress “We have to recognize that wakeup call, honor the victims and their families by doing something about it, and make sure that this never happens again."   Read the Article Daily Business Review 

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Peter Sachs in Sun Sentinel Calling on Municipalities to Prevent Another Surfside

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The Sun Sentinel featured founding partner Peter S. Sachs as he calls on municipalities to prevent another surfside disaster   Read more below   

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Peter S. Sachs Spoke with CNN about Champlain Towers South

    (CNN)An independent budget review warned the Champlain Towers South condo association that its financial reserves were critically underfunded in the face of urgently needed structural repairs a little over a year before the building collapsed, a document obtained by CNN shows.     The condo association only had 6.9% of the recommended level of money to complete repair and replacement projects and stay financially secure, according to a March 2020 report from Association Reserves, a company that analyzes housing association finances.    The report said that various components of the Surfside, Florida, building had zero years of "remaining useful life." Those included the entrance and garage -- where some experts believe concrete cracking may have contributed to last month's deadly collapse.     The study, which has not been previously reported, underscores how squabbling over assessments and underfunded reserves brought the repair situation at Champlain Towers South to a head.The association was projected to have a little over $706,000 in its reserves as of January 2021, according to the report, while Association Reserves recommended it stockpile nearly $10.3 million to account for necessary repairs. Based on that gap, the report found that the Champlain South board was at "high risk" of "special assessments & deferred maintenance." About a year after receiving the report, the board moved in April 2021 to levy a $15 million special assessment on condo owners to raise money needed for repairs. Robert Nordlund, the founder and CEO of Association Reserves, told CNN in an interview that about three out of 10 condo associations nationwide that his company reviews are at high risk, with less than 30% of the recommended reserves. He said the report showed the importance of condo associations stockpiling enough money to conduct regular repairs. "I just wish they had hired us five years or 10 years or 20 years prior," he said of the Champlain South condo board. The board had never previously received a reserve budget study, according to a separate PowerPoint presentation to residents from November 2020. The presentation alluded to the contentious debates among owners about the big-ticket items. "Complaining Or Shouting At Each Other Doesn't Work!"...

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Peter Sachs in The Jewish Journal: Understanding the responsibilities of being a board member


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Peter Sachs in The Palm Beach Post: Florida condo associations on the precipice need rescue now


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Peter Sachs in The Jewish Journal: Should I list my condo on Airbnb?


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Peter Sachs in The Jewish Journal: Understand your rights as a condominium unit owner


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Peter Sachs in The Jewish Journal: Interested in becoming an association board member?


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Peter Sachs in The Jewish Journal: A reference guide to becoming an HOA board member


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Founding Equity Partner Peter Sachs’ Op-Ed in The Florida Jewish Journal

An association must be aware of its access rights

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Founding Equity Partner Peter Sachs Featured in Florida Jewish Journal

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New Attorneys Added to the Firm


Meet the three new attorneys who recently joined the firm as well as the rest of our experienced  team

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"Shred it and Forget it" Program Created with JARC FL

Delray Sun Shred It Program JARC 6.15.22
Jewish Journal Shred It Program JARC 6.15.22

Sachs Sax Caplan becomes first client in new "Shred it and Forget it" program providing job opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The Delray Sun and Jewish Journal featured this new community opportunity.  Read More Below.     

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Peter Sachs discussing Condo Safety Bill in Sun Sentinel

1974, 6 story condo soon to undergo structural integrity inspections Susannah Bryan South Florida Sun Sentinel
Sun Sentinel Condo Safety Peter Sachs 5.26.22

The Sun Sentinel featured founding partner Peter S. Sachs as he shares the necessary condo safety reforms.  Read more below 

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Attorney Edward S. Hammel Named Equity Partner


Principal Edward S. Hammel, was recognized for becoming equity partner at the firm by The Sun Sentinel and The Palm Beach Post.           

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Sachs Sax Caplan, P.L. is proud to be recognized by The Florida Bar for our commitment to hiring and developing Board Certified Attorneys.